eBook Conversion
eBook Conversion/Formatting Service
Even though there are several eBook Conversion companies available, most of them use / automated programs and some others load eBooks with of text and technical errors which result in frequent rejections from retailers. As they charge the total price at the beginning itself, you don't get proper response / after sales service which may result in a mess at the end.
Hand Coded: Yes, you heard it right. Our team has expert knowledge in HTML and CSS, we build eBooks from scratch without using automated programs.
Try us before you decide (We don't charge for sample): Want to know about our work before proceeding further? We'll work on few pages of your book and will provide it for your review. If you like it then you may proceed further.
Tested on Actual Devices: Final eBook files after conversion will be tested on Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple devices (iPad, iPhone, Mac), Kobo, Sony eReader, and other popular smartphones and tablets.
Upload ready ePub and Mobi: Our standard conversion includes both .ePub and .Mobi files. You can upload these files to any retailer or distributor.
Optimized for Smartphones, tablets and Apps: All eBooks we create are tailored for optimal reading on smartphones, tablets and Apps.
Fast turnaround: Generally 3 days, Turn around time may increase depending upon complexity involved.
Free revisions: We'll make all necessary modifications and corrections with out any charge for life time.*
Linked table of contents: All the text in table of content's is linked properly for easy navigation.
Superior Quality: We'll compare PDF/Manuscript word to word with final eBook to ensure that output eBook exactly matches that of PDF/Original version.
Enhanced eBooks: We can add interactive features like Audio, Video, SVG, Scripts, Animations, Region/text magnification, Narration, etc., to eBooks.
Linked Footnotes, Hyperlinks to other websites and other sections of the eBooks.
Added guide section for easy navigation on devices.
Properly re-sized and embedded cover image.
*Conditions Apply.