eBook Conversion/Formatting Service
Despite numerous eBook conversion companies being available, many rely on automated software, often resulting in eBooks riddled with textual and technical errors. This leads to repeated rejections from retailers. Furthermore, these companies typically demand full payment upfront, leaving you with inadequate support and after-sales service, potentially creating a frustrating experience.
We offer hand-coded ePub conversions, utilizing HTML, CSS, JavaScript(when needed), and XML to create exceptional eBooks. Our expertise ensures that every element of your eBook is meticulously crafted for optimal performance, interactivity, and compatibility across all devices. Trust us to transform your content into a professional, polished ePub that stands out and provides a superior reading experience.
Why Choose Professional eBook Conversion Services?
Common Issues with Automated eBook (ePub) Conversion
Using automated tools or software for eBook (ePub) conversion can lead to various challenges. Here are some frequent issues:
Formatting issues: Headers, footers, and page numbers might not display correctly, affecting the overall look and structure of the eBook.
Image and graphic problems: Images can become misaligned, resized, or even disappear during the conversion process, resulting in visual inconsistencies.
Text flow issues: Text might not flow properly between pages or sections, disrupting the reading experience.
Interactive element glitches: Hyperlinks, buttons, or animations might not work as intended, impacting the eBook's interactivity and functionality.
CSS and styling inconsistencies: Custom styles might not be applied correctly, leading to an inconsistent and unprofessional appearance.
Metadata mistakes: Important information like titles, authors, and descriptions might not be exported accurately, causing confusion for readers.
Broken links: Links within the eBook may not work, leading to a frustrating experience for users trying to navigate or reference external content.
Compatibility Difficulties: Different devices and platforms might not support the ePub format uniformly, resulting in varied reading experiences.
Lack of customization: Limited options to personalize the eBook's design and features, restricting the ability to tailor content to specific needs.
Complex Layouts: Creating intricate designs, such as multi-column layouts or embedded media, can be challenging and often result in layout issues.
Why Choose Us
eBook Conversion Process
Submission: Send manuscript/files
PDF, Printed books, and several other file formats.
Quote: Receive customized estimate
Our specialists thoroughly assess and provide you with an estimated price based on the complexity involved.
Conversion: Expert transformation
Once the price is agreed upon, we will begin the conversion after receiving approval.
Testing: Device compatibility
Final files will be tested on real devices to ensure the best reading experience.
Delivery: Final files
We will send the files via your preferred method, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other you select.
- Pricing -
​Our eBook conversion pricing starts at just $0.60 per page. Discover how our expert services can elevate your digital content. Ready to get started? Contact us today for a personalized quote!